a place that makes itself


I love it, I love creating things on people’s faces. Not everyone wants the same thing, not everyone has the same face.

I think four years ago we had a drag queen come in and he wanted red glitter. He was being Father Christmas. And he had these two guys that were all tanned bronze and muscly, and they were going to be his reindeer. So he wanted gold glitter. Oh my god! I should spend more time here!

My favourite shade we have is Neon Way Too Pink. I’m always covered in glitter; I go to my Dad and he says “Don’t come near me! My friends make fun of me.”

We have loads of colours. People buy them and make their own blends, a woman came in and bought a hundred grams of this, a hundred grams of that, took it all to Blackpool to sell.

In five years I hope all the shops are open, I hope it gets more popular round here. When I used to come to Stockport with my friends when I was 13, 14, we used to just go down Mersey Way but now we come round here, me and my make up artist friends go to Stage Door to get the special effects makeup.

It’s more of a walkway now, people come through here more. It’d be nice if someone bought that pub, the one that’s closed.



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